Cold Weather Installation Tip - Space Gutter Guards
With the change of seasons, also comes a change of temperatures. Like aluminum and copper gutters, Raindrop Gutter Guard’s durable polypropylene material will also expand and contract a little with temperature changes. So when doing a cold weather install, i.e. below 60°F, there is one simple tip to keep in mind.
Spacing of Gutter Guards
Spacing is very important in cold weather installation of Raindrop Gutter Guards. When it is hot outside and the sun is shining, the gutter guards can be butted right up next to each other because they are fully expanded. But when the weather is on the colder side… if the gutter guards were to be butted up next to each other, there could be a wavy or buckling issue when the weather heats back up.

Improper spacing during Cold Weather Installation causing a wavy appearance.

Improper spacing during Cold Weather Installation causing a wavy appearance.
Simple Solution To Wavy Gutter Guard

Clip a corner of the flange to use as a spacer during cold weather installations.

Clip a corner of the flange to use as a spacer during cold weather installations.